Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ralf Waldo Emerson

Profit Vs Humanity


Jim Morrison



Albert Said

Piece of Paper

Democracy - How it Works in India..

Who's Threatening Whom...?

TIME Magazine


Those who have the privilege...

 It does not matter who said it. All that matters is we are to blame for all that is wrong in our life's and the life's of countless others. As long as we hand control of our life's to others nothing will ever change. We have always looked to one person to change the world. Its been smashed into us from the very start. Just look at TV,Films,Books.The news, Superman, and let forget the Bible.(you know God) As Long as we keep this mentality nothing will change.
Everyone must act as one , not one person act for everyone.
Stop giving all our money to governments to spend it on Bombs & War, them selfs and rich bankers.The money just from war would feed the world year in year out, and there would still be trillions left over. Funny that it costs more to kill people than it does to keep them alive. Making the world a better place is not that hard to make a reality. we are just to controlled by fear to do it ourself. the world should be ruled by love and its ravaged by fear.
So let stop fantasizing about a better world. Lets make it a better world. I mean what feels better to you giving or receiving. i am guessing receiving. coz we are getting fucked everyday...